Psalm 66:3

Psalm 66:3

Your enemies cringe before You

I hope we take this Psalm to heart. All of us have been, at some time in our lives, in places of awe-inspiring grandeur, be it beside mountains or oceans, desert landscapes or on a clear, starry night. These moments can draw forth exclamations of wonder and amazement. Ok, so when we look out of the window at home it’s not quite the same, or when we walk down the street to the shops or drive to the supermarket. Or is it? Wherever we are, we are surrounded by God’s creation and there are things that can inspire our wonder and our praise. 

We are also encouraged, here in this verse, to praise God for His awesome deeds, which of course include creation but also His intervention in our personal history. The wonder of the Cross, the miracles of the Bible are in there, but so are the many occasions when the Lord God has touched our lives, answered our prayers and changed situations in breath-taking ways. 

None of this is good news for our enemies who cringe in fear and trembling before such a God. Believe me, Satan and his cohorts know exactly what God has done, what He can do and what He is going to do. They are just arrogant enough to think they can thwart Him. Do you remember the demon who cried out to Jesus in the synagogue one day? “What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are – the Holy One of God!” Mark 1:24. That is how powerful He is and His enemies cringe in His presence!  Hallelujah!



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