Psalm 66:1

Psalm 66:1

Shout for joy!

We don’t know what events prompted this Psalm, any more than we know the identity of its writer. What we can say is that the one who penned these exclamations of praise was overjoyed for being personally delivered by God and he extends an invitation to Israel, and also to all the peoples of the earth, to join in the festivities. We are invited to come to the Temple and to become part of the exuberant celebrations, for God has preserved the lives of His people and He has listened to their prayers. Let’s take up the invitation and join those who will tell of all that the Lord has done – shall we?  


v1        There are those who lead from the front and those who hang back! The leaders invite us to join them on the dance floor, to cheer when they cheer, to go where they go, to follow their example. Some of us are eager to join in, some do so reluctantly, and others just watch on. The opening verse of this Psalm calls on all the earth to “Shout for joy to God!” You and I know that there are a few who will immediately leap to their feet and become part of the celebration. Others will watch to see what happens and take time to deliberate over their response. The majority will sit back and refuse to join in, they can’t see what the fuss is about and have no intention of making fools of themselves!

I suspect that this call to praise is not just for mankind but it goes out to all of creation, “Come on, let’s get to our feet and SHOUT! What do we shout? Anything that praises the living God and that expresses our joy that He exists and that He loves us.” That is the heart of praise, it is so simple, God is to be exalted with shouts of joy. 

So, shall we join in? Shall we sit and see what happens, or shall we stay in the shadows and have nothing to do with the celebrations? 


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