Psalm 65:7

Psalm 65:7

He still the turmoil

Before Creation, the earth is described as being in a chaotic state with darkness and turbulent waters. It was inhospitable and dangerous, there was no order, no prospect of illumination and no possibility of life. The waves of one great ocean surged around the planet and all land was submerged and hidden beneath the oppressive darkness and all-consuming waters. Just as nothing could be seen, there was no sound; there were no tides and no winds, the surface of the sea was eerily still. Then as creation developed, fury and wild energy were prevalent but what lay beneath was silent, empty and lifeless. As such the earth was alone and unique and it was into this desolate scenario that Elohim spoke with absolute authority and power. Firstly, He ordered light, which symbolises life and with that came night and day. Then the waters were silenced and separated between sky above and the oceans beneath and as the waters were parted, so dry land appeared. (As it did when God parted the Red Sea!) 

This taming of the turbulent waters is compared to the Lord’s taming of the nations. He did it when the occupants of Babel built their tower to heaven. He did it for Israel when they conquered the Promised Land, and He did it when Assyria and Babylon needed to be silenced. He has done it many times since as empires have come and gone, including the British Empire. There is always a plan and a God in heaven who tames the turmoil of the nations. Man is deceived into thinking that he is master of it all. Vladimir Putin thinks he’s in control. No chance! Hallelujah!


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