Psalm 65:6

Psalm 65:6

God of power and strength

“God our Saviour…..who formed the mountains by Your power, having armed Yourself with strength.”  

You will remember that in Genesis 1 the earth is described as, “Formless and empty and darkness was over the surface of the deep.” Into this chaotic void the voice of the Lord God spoke, and form and substance are born. He spoke into the darkness and light is ignited and drives away the shadows, and then He separated the waters and created dry land. He spoke again and the earth became fruitful and productive, and living creatures were created to enjoy the fruits He provided. The heavens were attired with the starry hosts glittering above and around us, and the sun and moon bringing physical light and order and discipline to the world. Ultimately, God introduced beings made in His likeness and with whom He could share the joys of intimacy and companionship. These “men” were smaller versions of God Himself, and they were equipped to rule all that had been made and to manage creation God’s way.

These mighty acts of God in creation are paralleled by His work in redemption. First there is chaos and disorder, so God sends light. Then He brings form and substance out of the living waters. The greatest and most stable of these “forms” are the mountains that rear their heads and display their grandeur as they tower over the valleys. Any display of God’s mighty strength that demonstrates the stability of His character, is a mountain. You will have experienced some of these and also climbed them? God breathes life into all living creatures and fills our experience on earth with beauty, wonder and variety. We are ordered to care for this planet and to watch over all that has been made. He fills the heavens around us with His angelic guardians who dance and glitter in the darkness to assure us that we are never alone, and that we are forever protected by His heavenly beings. Light shines from the face of His Son and reflects upon us even as we sleep. The ultimate act is when God chooses to remake us in His image, and He breathes the breath of His life into our spirits and we become like Him. We are new creations. That breath is His Word who is Yeshua. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!


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