Psalm 65:5

Psalm 65:5

Awesome and righteous deeds

I commented, in verse 2, about the acts of God in people’s lives that are so easily overlooked. As I sit and write these words today, I am able to remember countless occasions in my life where there were “coincidences” or events that happened at the right time, in the right place, to the right people. 

I recall a trip to Florida to see a dying relative who had just days to live and was waiting for someone to introduce him to Jesus. 

I think of a couple of strangers in a church in Pembrokeshire who sat beside me and the Lord kept saying that my wife and I needed to speak to them. They left before the service ended and I wondered how to fulfil His command! Hours later, at a remote and distant “open garden” event I pulled into a Car Park and there they were – parked next to us! 

I think of the healings I have witnessed, the amazing answers to prayer. The guidance and protection I have received, the twists and turns of life that have brought me to exactly where the Lord wanted me to be. This has happened so many times that I would need a book to recount it all. “He answers us with awesome and righteous deeds, God our Saviour …..”

None of these things happen to those who are outside of His protection and care, these miraculous interventions belong to His people, and we all experience them if we walk with Him. To be continued…..


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