Psalm 65:4

Psalm 65:4

Those He chooses

This verse alone is worthy of many pages of explanation, there is so much to be learned from it. “Blessed are those you choose.” This is a controversial statement, and many have argued, over the centuries, about its application. There is no question that Israel are God’s chosen people and they always have been. But God’s choice has been extended to all who believe in and are saved by Yeshua. Ephesians 1:4 says that we were “Chosen in Him before the foundation of the world.” Revelation 13:8-9 tells us that Christ was the “Lamb of God slain before the foundation of the world.” Our names have been written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Rev 13:8-9. So we were chosen before the world was even created! The above verses are saying that, “Our names were written from the creation of the world in the Book of Life belonging to the Lamb who was slain!” There is no scribe constantly writing down the names of those who have believed each day. (Gary Smith from Birmingham at 3.30pm and Todd Snodgrass from Alabama at 6.00pm. Oh, has Yong Ping in Singapore come through yet?) Our names were written before the 6 days of Genesis 1!

This has huge ramifications because we are no longer excluded from God’s promises, we are no longer strangers and foreigners to Him, but we have been brought near. We are welcome in His courts. He hears our prayers, and He loves our company and He delights in our praises. And He protects, guides and cares for us in a million different ways, every day of our lives. The Lord God loves nothing better than to have His people gather around Him, He humbles Himself by coming down to us and serving us – that is what it literally means to be blessed! And the consequences are that every good thing, every privilege, every gift that can be given is offered to the children of God. In addition, all of God’s house and His Temple becomes our rightful dwelling place. So much more could be said but just revel today, in who you are and what He has done. Your status as a child of the living God, who was chosen by Him, makes you a remarkable person indeed. Hallelujah!


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