Psalm 65:2

Psalm 65:2

Sing the glory of His name

This verse continues the theme of verse 1 and we begin to discern that there is a prophetic message in the Psalm. Later we will read of a God who is the “hope of all the earth” v5, and in v8, “the whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders.” So, the subjects of this Psalm are not just the Jews or even the “chosen” who have received Christ but all who live on the earth. All will, one day, acknowledge the One who is God. 

I was preaching recently, about the mission statement of Christ from Isaiah 61, that He read in the synagogue at Nazareth on the Sabbath. It includes the statement that He came to bring “recovery of sight for the blind.”We had seen a few instances where the Lord had intervened in people’s stories in a miraculous way and, without prompting, a number of them spoke out about recent miracles that they had experienced! I felt ashamed as I listened, for I had failed to grasp what the Lord was quietly doing in these individuals’ lives and therefore I had failed to give Him the credit for answering prayers. My eyes had been blinded to His goodness, His power and His involvement in the lives of His people. He is the God who answers prayer, we have diligently prayed, week by week, for many years and not noticed how amazingly some of those prayers have been answered. These events and answers are not replicated in the world, they only happen to God’s chosen people. But, as the Psalm tells us, one day all will acknowledge Him when He comes to rule over our world. “Sing the glory of His name; make His praise glorious.”


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