Psalm 65:10

Psalm 65:10

Blessing the land

Middle Eastern fields suffer a great deal from the scorching heat of the summer sun and the ground becomes parched and hard. The autumn and winter rains allow the soil to become soft and prepare it for sowing in spring. The plough is obviously important to break up the hard clods and to open the ground to receive water. In the parable of the Sower, Jesus refers to this process and warns that nothing will grow on hard, down-trodden ground.

Our hearts are very much like the farmer’s fields, fertile in places but stony and hard in others. Sometimes trouble comes just to break up the self-reliance or the sinful habits so that the rain of the Holy Spirit can pour in and drench the furrows and level the ridges. There is no question that fruitfulness comes only from fertile land, land that has been broken but that has also drunk in the rain. Isn’t it amazing to think that the Lord God looks upon us as potentially fertile fields? He tenderly cares for the soil and prepares it for planting and also for harvest, so that we may reach our full potential. There is always weeding to do and He seeks our co-operation in this. If we are suffering from the scorching heat, we need to remember that the rains will come and that our lives will experience rich nourishment and become fruitful once again. Remember, everything has its season and the seasons are set by the Lord God, not by you and me. 


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