Psalm 64:8

Psalm 64:8

He turns their tongues against them

It could easily be surmised that these words of David are spoken with scorn, from a vengeful spirit, and he is just letting off steam against those who have spoken so maliciously about him. And that might well be true! He could also be speaking out in anticipation of what God might do to these wicked men. In other words, goading the Lord to act against them all. Or this could be a prophetic word, “Actually,” says David, “I have heard from my God and He is going to turn their tongues against them and bring them to ruin; everyone who sees them will shake their heads in contempt and derision.” 

These words prompt me to think of the Lord Jesus; the crowds passing by, on seeing His crucifixion, laughed and mocked and viewed Him with contempt. The soldiers and His accusers, along with the unrepentant thief hurled insults. Yeshua, like David, knew the hurt that such mockery could bring. But like David, you might say that He had the last laugh. Little did the derisive mockers know that this blood-stained, pathetic corpse would smash down the gates of death and rise to triumphant life in just 3 days-time! His enemies would not be gloating then, instead they would be grovelling in the dirt trying to concoct a story that would explain away the resurrection. It does not pay to mock the Lord God or to mock His servants. Hallelujah, if God is for us, who can be against us? 



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