Psalm 64:7

Psalm 64:7

God shoots arrows!

Woah, this is a change of direction is it not? The image of a loving, gracious, merciful God shooting arrows at His human enemies is one that will make many Christians shift uneasily in their seats! We have come across this image before, in Psalm 18:14 for instance, and it bears repeating that a bow in Scripture can be viewed two ways. The dome shaped bow i.e. the rainbow, is a sign of God’s pledge not to send another flood to wipe out the earth. The rainbow points away from us. But God’s bow, when inverted, points down towards the world and He shoots His lightning bolts of judgement and wrath. The rainbow is a sign that seals a Covenant, the bow of wrath speaks of a broken Covenant. 

We need to be honest here, it’s all very well painting a picture of a loving God who graciously puts up with our arrogant human ways and our constant rebellion against Him, but there are times when He will say, “Enough is enough!” He said it in Noah’s day and all the signs are that He will say it again – soon! Man’s pride, disobedience and evil rebellion against his Creator will drive the world to the edge of destruction. God cannot allow us to destroy ourselves, He must intervene, and he will. His enemies will be struck down, read Revelation if you don’t believe me! Meanwhile, there are those whose time is cut short by Him, simply because their evil deeds have gone too far and they must be halted. Hitler is a case in point, he threatened the safety of the whole world, one day he was here, the next he was gone! God is true to His word – always. Watch out Mr Putin!


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