Psalm 64:5-6

Psalm 64:5-6

We have a cunning plan!

It usually starts in the school playground does it not? Plot hatching, scheming, minor rivalries, gang-building, victimisation. The arrogant bully who vies for power and the weaker victims who are unable to defend themselves and live out their school days miserable and persecuted. Don’t tell me that this has all changed because it hasn’t, and it never will. Human nature is such that some people must be dominant, and many will use any means to grab influence. These scenarios simply grow bigger and more dangerous as people progress into adulthood. The most dangerous are those who take power and influence to promote their own self-importance and they do so at the expense of the gullible and weak. You and I know that there are plenty of people out there who encourage one another in evil plans, who plot injustice and think that their cleverly devised traps will never be uncovered. I heard, just yesterday, of a former UK Prime Minister whose greatest strength was described as being able to convince everyone that he was on their side! Of course, the PM in question woke up one day to discover that some of his little schemes had backfired. He might well argue that this is “just politics.” Sadly, he would be right.  

David is, of course, also right to argue that the human mind and heart are cunning. The more we read his Psalms the more we become aware that nothing ever changes. Before I began these studies, I thought this collection of Songs was mainly in praise of the Lord God and that they were written to uplift our souls. Instead, they seem to spend a lot of time contemplating the words, actions and thoughts of the wicked and the justice of God as He watches over His people. Life on earth has always been a struggle for the righteous and it always will be. May the Lord be with you today.


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