Psalm 64:10

Psalm 64:10

Rejoice in the Lord

This Psalm began with David voicing his complaints against his enemies. He’d had enough of their conspiracies, their plots and their evil insults. As the Psalm progresses, we see the king turning to God for vengeance and retribution and realising that it is His Lord who will take action against these wicked men. At no point does David pledge to take up a sword or a bow and avenge himself, so far as he is concerned, any retaliatory action is in God’s hands. The Psalm also points to a powerful truth, that those who speak against God’s servants, and who plot and scheme against them, are really going head-to-head with the Lord Himself! Anyone who speaks against you or I, or who mocks our faith are really directing their ignorant insults against the Sovereign of the universe! And David anticipates a time when the mockers will be silenced, and the evildoers will be ruined. I wonder if we dare hope for such outcomes or, maybe, we feel uncomfortable in doing so?

There will be a day of justice, it may not be in our lifetime on earth but ultimately our God will have the final word, just as He had the first word. He is, after all, God and therefore supreme in all things and He is the beginning and the end of all things too. That is why “The righteous may rejoice in the Lord and take refuge in Him, that is why the upright in heart will glory in Him.” This Psalm was written to remind us of these truths and to give us cause for hope and satisfaction regardless of how difficult things might be here and now. Hallelujah, for the Lord our God, the almighty reigns! He will not fail us and we will prevail – for ever. 


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