Psalm 64:2
Psalm 64:2
The conspiracy of the wicked
David is aware that there have been meetings! Secret meetings that he is not supposed to know about. The meetings are conspiratorial, and he is the subject of them. Hushed voices, shadowy places, furtive glances, locked doors – you know the kind of thing. It’s like having foreign agents in the land, who work undercover and whose objective is to sow unrest and to garner enough support for a takeover. These evildoers are insurrectionists, they plan the downfall of the established leadership and aim to put themselves in the driving seat. David asks to be kept out of range of their schemes and also from the consequences of their schemes. It’s almost as if he believes that a little knowledge of what they are up to is worse than not knowing at all. “Hide me from their secrets!”
These kinds of collaborations are part and parcel of being a manager in the workplace, there are always those who want your job, or who think they could do it better or sadly, who just like to stir up trouble. It is even more sad when you discover them at work in the church and you hear rumours of discontent and unrest. Such people usually appoint a spokesperson who comes wringing their hands and couching their complaint with the assurance that there are others who feel this way too. These “others” are never named, they are the secret collaboration that David talks about.
It is important to bring these things to the Lord, as David is doing here. We have to be convinced that we are actually in His Will or maybe the complainers have a point! If we are convinced of the Lord’s purposes then, in my experience, it’s best to remind such folk that we are following the Lord Jesus and will do His bidding, perhaps we should all meet to pray about the matter? I’m afraid that, over the years, I have discovered that the discontents, if they do not get their own way, tend to drift away. “Hide me Lord, from the conspiracy of the wicked, from the plots of evildoers.”
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