Psalm 64:1

Psalm 64:1

A prayer for protection

The background to this Psalm appears to be a conspiracy against David. It is not clear who the conspirators are and whether they are from a foreign nation or perhaps a faction closer to home. Maybe, once again, there are those who are close confidantes of the king, who are hatching yet another plot to overthrow his kingdom? There is a common theme in all of the Psalms of this type, it is not slings and arrows and spears that David fears, rather it is the scheming plots and the evil tongues of his enemies that cause him the most distress. So, we are treated to a few verses of complaint against the wicked, but these soon turn to victory in God and ultimately to praise of Him who is the glory and the refuge of the upright. Yes, we’ve been here before, it is as if the scriptures are warning us that these are the kinds of battlegrounds that we must expect and be ready to deal with if we are involved in leadership amongst God’s people. Even Christ had to deal with innuendos and suggestive schemes from the enemy, that is primarily how he wages war against the saints of God!


v1        We start with a plea to be heard. “Hear me, my God, as I voice my complaint.” What I love about this request is the obvious suggestion of intimacy. Can you imagine the idol worshippers and the disciples of pagan gods, approaching their deities in such intimate ways? This is not the cry of a human approaching a distant, untouchable and mysterious being, rather it is the heartfelt plea of a desperate child crying to its parent, someone it respects and looks up to but with whom there is friendship and love and relationship. “Listen to me dad, I have a problem, I need your help.” 

In this instance, while the actions of David’s enemies are verbal, they carry a threat. If these evil men get their way and if their plotting and scheming comes to fruition, there will be an attack on the life of the king. He has good reason to fear for his future. Threats are awful things, they instil fear, uncertainty and doubt. It is a brave man or woman who goes out and hits them head on, in an attempt to dissolve them before they fester and reduce the victim to paranoia.  

Let us learn, once again, from David. All those uncertainties and fears and anxieties must be brought to the attention of our Father before we do anything else. His strength and might and protective power will guard us and keep us, all He asks is that we learn to depend on Him and trust Him with it all. Sometimes we cannot resolve every problem, we have to learn to trust Him!


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