Psalm 63:9
Psalm 63:9
What a contrast
This verse repeats what we have previously learned on our journey through the Psalms – that there is judgement awaiting those who oppose God’s will and who live in wickedness. However, David asserts a further truth, his logical mind reminds him that he is God’s man, anointed and appointed by Elohim to be the ruler of Israel. It follows therefore, that those who want to destroy him are taking a big gamble, they are messing with God. In wanting to kill God’s servant they will forfeit their own lives. “And for your lifeblood I will surely demand an accounting. I will demand an accounting from every animal. And from each human being, too. I will demand an accounting for the life of another human being. Whoever sheds human blood, by humans shall their blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made mankind.” Genesis 9:5-6. This idea of reciprocal retribution is repeated in the Scriptures and gives rise to the saying, “An eye for and eye ….” Exodus 21:23 and Deut 19:21. (If you have time, look up the roles of the Kinsman Redeemer, you will see that these men were tasked with the duty off being an “Avenger of blood too!” And Jesus fulfils all of these roles.)
What a contrast this Psalm presents to us! We have already seen that the righteous participate in an eternal peon of praise that began when the earth was created and will continue on into eternity. Our praises should be loud and exuberant for they echo around the throne of God and reach far beyond the confines of this world. However, the wicked and those who seek to destroy God’s people will go to the place of the departed, to the depths of Sheol (Hades), the place of silence. My friends, our spirits will rise one day to a place of joy and celebration, where earth’s fears and anxieties and disappointments will forever be forgotten. There will be such joy and fulfilment in the presence of our Lord in Paradise and in His timing, our bodies will be raised to reign with Him forever. Contrast that with the fate of the wicked, who become nothing, just empty, wandering disembodied spirits awaiting the Day of Judgement.
“Oh Father, thank You for drawing me to Yourself, Your family and Your future. Hallelujah!”
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