Psalm 63:8
Psalm 63:8
I cling to You
It’s not easy to cling to something that you cannot see, is it? Clinging has to do with touching and feeling and being very close to someone. The word provokes images of desperation, of hanging on and tenaciously gripping hold of something or someone that is stronger, bigger and safer than we are, I’m thinking of a climber clinging to a cliff face or a child clinging to a parent! It is not easy for everyone to apply this kind of language to their relationship with God! How do you cling to One you cannot see and to a Being you cannot touch? Religion tends to make God a mysterious, distant Being who cannot be approached by fallible, earth-bound creatures. If that is so, how may we cling to Him?
Well, the Bible takes us to places where our senses cannot, it opens the door to a spiritual world where our inner beings are both at war but also securely tied to a gigantic fortress. We are ravaged by storms and enemy forces but, at the same time, we are protected by the wings of a mighty Being who allows us to cling to Him, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. As long as we follow after Him and do not leave His protective company, we will be safe. And just to complete the picture, the right hand of God Himself is there to uphold us. The right hand signifies strength and might, power and authority. If we have the right hand of God Almighty protecting and guarding us, we will be safe. Hallelujah!
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