Psalm 63:7

Psalm 63:7

In the shadow of Your wings

There are two possible explanations for the metaphor used here. Maybe David did perceive God to be like some giant mother bird, hovering in the sky over him and keeping him safe. We are all familiar with pictures of mother hens and their chicks or we’ve seen ducks and swans protectively nurturing their young who dash to hide under their wings at the slightest sign of trouble. 

There is a further explanation, and it has to do with the tallit or prayer shawl worn by Jewish men and some women. This was a large garment with its tassels that were rich with meaning. When correctly worn the tallit would cover the shoulders and arms and could even extend over the wearer’s head. With arms outstretched it formed what were referred to as the wings. So, a very different picture appears now of a loving Father, with arms outstretched, covering His people with His prayers and His protection. In David’s mind therefore, it seemed that every time he came to the Lord for help and comfort, he came under the canopy of His wings and there he found the reassurance and security he desperately needed. 

Whichever image we prefer, the truth is that the Lord God is there for us, in every situation, and under His wings we find protection and care. Rather than viewing Him as a distant deity who is rarely conscious of our needs, perhaps we need to picture Him as the protective mother bird or the great father figure who gathers us close and raises His arms over us to guard and keep us from danger? 


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