Psalm 63:6

Psalm 63:6

Through the watches of the night

I don’t think Psalm 63:6 is saying that every once in a while, when he is snuggly wrapped up in bed, David’s thoughts stray to thinking about his God! Sadly, for many of us, there have been days that are so busy and demanding, that it is only in the silence of the night we are reminded that the Lord is with us. However, I believe that David has been thinking about his Lord all through the day and now, once he is lying down to sleep, he meditates on the goodness and glory of God. 

I used to be a very good sleeper, rarely would I awake in the night and even if I did, my thoughts would dive off into all sorts of improbable places! Nowadays, I am often awakened in the early hours of the morning and because I spend more time meditating on His Word, the thoughts are, more often than not, of my Lord and whatever He is trying to tell me. It is in those moments that there are flashes of light and understanding, when riddles are solved, and troubling situations suddenly make sense. It is in those moments that I am aware of the closeness of the Lord and that He is gently teaching me and showing me His truth and His will. Maybe it happens in the night watches because I am too busy in the day, my mind is too full of all that needs to be done? Cyndi Lauper sang a song that begins this way, sadly it was not a song of praise to God but I think David would have approved! -

All through the night
I'll be awake and I'll be with you
All through the night
This precious time when time is new


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