Psalm 63:4
Psalm 63:4
Lift up your hands
Isn’t it wonderful how the life of faith in the Lord God has always been accompanied by singing and praise? The world’s religions and its philosophies and idol worship cannot compare with the eternal Songbook of God’s people. The reason being, of course, that they have nothing to sing about and no one to sing to! (Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Heart club Band or Sweet Caroline or White Christmas).
Singing and praise did not start with King David, we read in Genesis 4:19-22 of a man called Tubal Cain who was some kind of ancient blacksmith and this genius also managed to manufacture stringed instruments and pipes. Surely, some of these were used in praise of the Lord? So, the world has its football songs and its raucous noise after a few drinks, but the people of God have praise. Praise that comes from the heart, praise that has focus and meaning, praise that lifts us out of and beyond ourselves and gives glory to One who is greater. Praise that is stirred up by the Spirit within and comes from a heart full of gratitude and love. No wonder the hymnal keeps changing and the tunes keep coming, the whole point of praise is that it is endless! How could the church have adopted medieval dirges and plain song and endless repetitive melodies? And yet for centuries they were the only form of praise. And if we do not or cannot praise, then there is something seriously wrong with our hearts.
As we praise, let us lift up our hands, of course we must, for this was the attitude of the High Priest as he blessed the people and pronounced the Aaronic blessing on a daily basis. The lifting of hands pronounces blessing and honour, let’s not be shy in raising our hands to the Lord. Let us sing out those songs and lift up our hands – the next thing we know, we might even start to dance!
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