Psalm 63:3

Psalm 63:3

Your love is better than life

This is another gem of a verse, so full of meaning it almost glows from the page! “Because Your love is better than life, my lips will glorify You”. Love – life – lips! There’s an alliterative flow to this statement isn’t there? It starts with love, love supreme, love so pure and holy and perfect that it surpasses even life. A love that melts the heart, that floods the soul and blows the mind! This love is not unworldly or beyond our grasp, it is love that can be experienced and when tasted it fills empty souls with joy and peace. God is not a tease, He does not present images of something that earthly people cannot feel, at times His love is an overflowing waterfall of intense emotion and at other times it’s, wait for it, a deeply satisfying sense of well-being. (Such an in-word that can only be experienced in Christ.) Our cultures pursuit of well-being is a pathetic alternative to the reality of God. Don’t chase well-being, chase Yeshua and all will be well!

His love is expressed also in factual ways. Love sent His Son to our world. Love healed the sick and cast out demons. Love raised the dead and fed the crowds. Love washed the disciples’ feet and broke bread at Passover. Love bore the wounds of sacrifice and gave Himself as a lamb for slaughter. Love thought of you and me as His tortured body was nailed to a Roman crucifix. Love said our names as He emerged from the tomb and ascended to heaven to prepare for our home - coming. Yes, love is better than life. No one and no thing can do what His love does. And that love is yet to be experienced in its fullest measure when we live in it, free from sin, for eternity. 

If you need any reason to sing, let this be it, He loves you and cares for you and His love never fails. Let us glorify Him together today, let’s take time out just to praise Him with our lips, His love surpasses life, it draws us to the future and our eternal inheritance, it is our guarantee and our hope. It is better and greater than anything or anyone on this earth. Hallelujah! 



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