Psalm 63:11
Psalm 63:11
Rejoice in God forever
This theme of ongoing praise, as opposed to silence, is recurring in this Psalm. Let me repeat, the praises of God’s righteous ones are never-ending. Every song, every glorious thought, every expression of wonder and glory that comes from our lips are more than just empty words. Those sounds and thoughts are received by the Holy Spirit and wing their way heavenwards where they are received with joy and added to the symphony of devotion that is endlessly offered at the throne of Almighty God. No song, no blessing, no expression of acclaim of our God is lost, it is received, and it is heard. We can and should be people of praise whose tributes and devotions grow in intensity and wonder, as we grow closer to our heavenly destination. How wonderful it is to be one of those who writes and sings and plays songs of praise and shares these with others who join in the celebrations. This is one way that earth touches heaven. Those celebrations are not lost in the ether, they are heard and enjoyed, nothing gives God more pleasure than to hear His saints praising and glorifying His name.
By contrast we have the wicked. Their songs are worldly and short-lived. They may make a lot of money from the copyrights and sales but nothing they produce rises above the clouds. Even the songs of creation, the birds and the trees, are heaven-made and glorious, but not so the songs of the wicked. They have no one to praise except, maybe, their local football team or their paying audience. These songs will come to their natural end and be heard no more, the mouths of liars and deceivers will be silenced forever. As for you and me, we will be singing for eternity. Joy comes through the Holy Spirit, it is a spiritual reaction to God’s goodness and faithfulness, so how can it ever end?
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah…………
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