Psalm 62:6
Psalm 62:6
I will not be shaken
And here are the grounds for David’s faith and hope. Here are the reasons why he is able to instruct his soul to find rest in God. This is a repeat of what we have already learned that the Lord is like a towering cliff face upon which the frightened fugitive may find safety and refuge when enemy forces are in pursuit. Such is the strength of this fortress that the writer can say that nothing will move him.
When we build human fortresses and strongholds it is always with a sense of “let’s hope it works.” Medieval castles and battlements grew more and more intimidating over time as lessons were learned and the tactics of the enemy became more sophisticated. Defence costs have continued to spiral over the centuries as mankind has striven to develop and build increasingly advanced defences. The reason being, that there is always a chink in the armour or the threat that the enemy may have become superior. Our spiritual enemy changes his tactics regularly and there are no rules of engagement. He attempts to constantly probe our weaknesses and to spring surprise attacks. However, and this is the glorious part, the defence of our God has never changed, it has always been up to date and more than adequate. He is always the superior force in the conflict and His protective power can never be broken. The power of the cross demonstrated, once for all, that Satan is a defeated foe and that all who run, by faith, to the cliff will never be shaken. Hallelujah!
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