Psalm 62:5
Psalm 62:5
Soul! Find rest in God
Do you talk to yourself sometimes? Many people do, of all ages, and the rest of us giggle behind their backs. So, you may be surprised to learn that the Bible encourages internal conversation with self. In this instance it is the mind telling the soul to find rest. You see, our faith comes from what we are taught, by the Holy Spirit, and the beginning of wisdom usually starts in the mind. The trouble is that the mind is a rational organ, it likes order and reason and frankly, the deeper walk of faith is often beyond reason. We are asked to believe in the irrational and to throw ourselves into the arms of One who we cannot see. That is why we need the Spirit in operation deep within our hearts so that the Lord can write His instructions within us. Eventually the heart starts to over-rule the mind!
However, in the is instance, David’s soul – his emotions and his inner being, are deeply disquieted by events and the treacherous activities of his enemies. It’s the kind of anxiety that hinders sleep and causes chest pains! David rationalises the situation and realises that there is rest in God. God is in control and the future is already determined and those that hope in the Lord will be saved. So, it is time to pass the message on, to instruct the soul that things are not as bad as they appear, there is no reason to worry, the rational mind has considered the situation and now there is rest. Indeed, that is how our Psalm started but here in verse 5 we must assume that there has been a little wavering, a panic attack, a tremor deep down.
If you identify with any of this, stop and reason through the situation that causes disquiet. Realise that God is in control. Accept that there is rest in Him for He is with you and then, pass the passage on. Tell your soul to find its rest. I know it works - I’ve done it. Hallelujah!
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