Psalm 62:4
Psalm 62:4
The devious wicked
David faced the threat of military opposition most of his life. On a number of occasions armies and forces lined up against Israel and against him as their king. He also dealt with physical threats from illness, and he had to go on the run from individuals like Saul and Absalom who would gladly have taken his life. However, the source of so much of his complaints, in the Psalms, is not physical. It is the lying, devious and deceitful words of his opponents that cause him so much grief. We can imagine David, seated in his palace, wrestling with the certain awareness that outside of the royal residence people were plotting and scheming his downfall. Oh yes, they would cry “Long live the King” and they would come before him kneeling in humble submission. They would say all the right things but, deep down, they cursed him. Perhaps that is the cross all prominent leaders have to bear, the ear-tickling compliments of apparent supporters that cover the true nature of their allegiance. We’ve all lived long enough to know that politics in this world is a cut-throat business, those who deceptively offered support often turn out to be the assassins!
Our faith in Jesus Christ aligns us immediately with those who support Him, but it also places us firmly in opposition to His detractors. The rules of His enemies are non-existent, they will do anything to cheapen His reputation, to defame His character, to abuse His name and to undermine His purpose. The assaults on Him are endless and exceptionally devious. When you think about it, our God and His Son Jesus Christ stand only for truth, righteousness and justice. Their character exudes grace, mercy and kindness. Why would anyone take exception to this? Why is the world so violently and negatively opposed to the One who created them, who cares for them and who would die for them? It is Satan and sin that delights in assaulting and insulting righteousness and we should not be surprised when we find ourselves in the firing line. There are many who bless our God and bless us too with their mouths, but in their hearts they curse us. The jubilant crowd that exalted Yeshua with Palm branches on His ride into Jerusalem, assented to His crucifixion a week later.
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