Psalm 62:3

Psalm 62:3

Tottering fences

This verse is a question to David’s assailants, “How long will you assault me?” We might ask the same question when we face great difficulties in our lives and we feel vulnerable and afraid, when the world seems to have ganged up on us and we are weary of the battle, when spiritual darkness oppresses us and there appears to be no light ahead or when there appears to be no hope of deliverance. In truth, all earthly trials and battles are accompanied by the question, “How long must this go on?” 

David then adds a touch of humour, or is it sarcasm, or is he just being honest? “I am like a leaning wall. I am a tottering fence.” In modern parlance we would say, “I am a pushover!” Whatever his meaning, these metaphors describe one who is extremely fragile and likely to cave in under further pressure. This could be a confession of weakness, or it could be a description of the way that his enemies view him. However, while he may be weak in himself, he has already found rest in God who is his rock and his fortress. There is an important message here; on the one hand King David is weak and fragile, on the other hand, he declares his trust in an immoveable and all powerful God. That is not a bad place to be, in fact it is the only place to be. When we have a contrasting view of our own helplessness and the might of the Lord, we are making progress in the journey of faith. So, all you leaning walls and tottering fences – take hope! 


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