Psalm 62:2
Psalm 62:2
He is my fortress
As we have discovered on a number of occasions, the word for “rock” in our English Bibles, has a number of meanings in Hebrew. In this case it means cliff. The sentiment here duplicates the same verse in Psalm 61, the Lord is a high cliff of refuge, He is a place of safety and retreat. We may run to the cliff and climb above our enemies. This was written at a time when mechanised armoury was unheard of, so it was important to gain the higher ground when threatened by the enemy. We may stand on the cliff and be in full view but safely out of reach of their arrows and javelins. God is our refuge, He is our fortress, the one who runs to Him will be safe. Sometimes, we have to admit that staying on the level and trying to put up a brave fight only ends in defeat and disaster. We can be overwhelmed and out manoeuvred and rather than staying and fighting we need to learn to run to the cliff. It is humbling to have to admit that enemy forces are too great, that the spiritual battle is too intense, that we do not possess the where-with-all to fight. Once again, the Lord allows us to face our weakness and then opens His arms and says, “Come to me, hide in me, give your battle to me. I am your fortress.”
This applies, particularly, to the inner personal battles that we face with our thoughts and our emotions. There are times when we just have to admit defeat and run and hide in the fortress. Do not be afraid to do this. Don’t stay out there, isolated and overwhelmed. God knows the battle we are in and He also knows how weak we really are. But, when we admit this and throw ourselves on His mercy, we will learn over time to say, “You are my fortress and I will never be shaken.” Hallelujah!
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