Psalm 61:8

Psalm 61:8

I will ever sing in praise of Your name

It seems that the key to continuous praise and worship is not good melodies or great musicians or even a sense of inner wellbeing. As with so much of scriptural teaching, the source of all contentment and peace is relationship. We have seen, from this Psalm, how David looks on the Lord God as the rock that is higher than I. He is aware that the Lord is his refuge and a strong tower when pursued by enemies. He has expressed his longing to dwell in the tent of the Lord and to take refuge beneath His wings, forever. God has provided David with a heritage and heard his solemn vows. In yesterday’s verse, King David has moved from tent dwelling to enthronement in God’s presence and now he sees how heavenly love and faithfulness are protecting him. Do you see that there is a progression here from the vulnerable and anxious songwriter, who began his tune under fear of death, to one who now revels in his glorious relationship with the almighty deity who rules over all and who draws near and exalts those who love Him? 

This is the best recipe for praise, if we are not prompted to express joy and adoration by this, what hope is there? This is our calling too. We began our journey of faith as weak and vulnerable believers who had just left the Adoption Agency but having little clue as to the true nature of our adoptive Father or the resources and the blessings that He was planning to share with us. Over time we begin to realise that this relationship is indeed all about family and that this heavenly Father is not remote but rather reveals Himself best in close friendship and protective, parental care. He always wants the best and He is willing to serve us in order that we may be elevated to sonship in His family. Surely that is good cause to “ever sing in praise of Your name” and to fulfil our obligations of obedience and humble service, every day of the rest of our lives! Hallelujah! Halleujah!


Father God, I wonder how I managed to exist
Without the knowledge of Your parenthood and Your loving care.
Now I am Your son, I am adopted in Your family, and I can never be alone
'Cos Father God, You're there beside me.

I will sing Your praises,
I will sing Your praises,
I will sing Your praises forever more.


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