Psalm 61:7
Psalm 61:7
Love and faithfulness
Many have commented that these words could so easily apply to Messiah, “May he be enthroned in God’s presence forever; appoint your love and faithfulness to protect him.” And that is the whole point! Messiah was a descendant of David. The royal line commenced with David. The descendants were already in his loins as it were. In other words, this is both a statement for the time it was written and it was also prophetic.
David lived a long life and because he always sought the Lord and His will, he came as close as any of the men or women of ancient times, to being enthroned in God’s presence. He could also testify that love and faithfulness were his companions. This is not unlike the famous line in Psalm 23, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the House of the Lord forever.” Goodness and mercy. Love and faithfulness. These are not natural human attributes, are they? The beauty of an intimate relationship with the Lord God is that those who are pursued by goodness and mercy from heaven become those who live out goodness and mercy on earth. And this verse in Psalm 61 reminds us of a similar fact, that if love and faithfulness are appointed to protect us, we will become the protectors of others through love and faithfulness. Love and faithfulness in marriage. Love and faithfulness to children and family. Love and faithfulness to our friends and also to those who are our brothers and sisters in Christ. Do you see the far-reaching effects of this statement? If we seek Godly characteristics, then Godly characteristics will be appointed to us, but such is their nature that they will automatically flow through and out of us and will touch the lives of those we know. “Lord, appoint Your love and faithfulness to protect me today.” Hallelujah!
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