Psalm 59:3

Psalm 59:3

Stirring up the enemy

Who is it who lies in wait? This image is drawn from a time when life was less technological than now, if you wanted to catch someone out you did not have CCTV or tracking devices, you had to lie in wait for them. Deer hunters, wildfowlers, fishermen and others know the routine, it can be time-consuming but there is only one thing on the mind of hunters, of any generation, it is to catch their prey. Either literally or just to observe. Most kinds of prey do not know that they are being stalked or that their enemy is lurking close by, but David knew. He knew the tactics of his enemies. He knew that he was being closely watched and he knew that danger surrounded him on all sides. Mighty men, men of influence and power were biding their time, awaiting the opportune moment when they would pounce and kill their prey. 

In the midst of this relentless hounding, David turns to the Lord and pleads his innocence. He knows that he has done nothing to deserve this, he is not being penalised for his sins or for causing offence, the threats against him are caused for the very opposite reasons. He is anointed, He is to be king one day, he is a threat, and his enemies want him silenced and removed. 

It’s one thing to suffer for our foolishness and wrong-doing and quite another to be persecuted for doing good. Christians can expect to be treated in similar manner because “men love darkness rather that light.” Yeshua was perfect and no man was hated like He was. His only purpose was to heal and deliver and to save mankind and how they detested Him! The greatest suffering for those who follow Christ will be the anger, jealousy and insults of those who hate us for our righteousness. Living a life of faith, integrity, kindness and love stirs up the enemy like nothing else can. Satan hates it and he hates us. His followers hate it too and we will be vilified simply for doing good. Thank you, David, for reminding us that being a disciple of righteousness, justice and truth always stirs up the wrath of the enemies of God. Let’s not be caught by surprise by this. 


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