Psalm 59:2

Psalm 59:2

Hills of responsibility

When we ascend the hills of responsibility and power, a number of things happen. The opportunity “to be something” increases and we are noticed by more people. It’s not surprising, at the bottom of the hill we can get lost in the masses, as we ascend, we become more conspicuous. Some use this ascent to sustain their egos and to trample upon those who are below them. Power and responsibility are both dangerous and also fulfilling. If we use them to serve ourselves, they are extremely dangerous and the higher we climb the greater the fall will be. If we use power and responsibility to serve others then they are a wonderful gift, the means to a fulfilling life journey that benefits mankind. All jobs, careers, elected positions and organisational structures etc have opportunities for individuals to make the choice, do I use this to serve others or to serve myself?

Unfortunately, there is another downside to ascending the hill of responsibility, for some reason we make enemies! There will always be those who disagree or who see us as a threat, or who are jealous, or who simply like to make life difficult. Usually, they are people who do not want to take responsibilities upon themselves. I think David knew about all of these negative influences. He would have an astonishing rise to power, coming as he did, from a family farm and a life as a shepherd boy. His potential was enough to drive Saul crazy, plus the fact that the evil king knew that David was anointed by God. So, the young pretender learned quickly, long before he claimed the throne of Israel, that being in a position of power and responsibility is not something to be eagerly grasped, in his case it was life threatening! “Deliver me from evildoers, and save me from those who are after my blood.”


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