Psalm 58:7

Psalm 58:7

Arrows that fall short

As I write Germany and central Europe have been badly affected by serious floods and many have died, and this in high summer! Unlike the oceans and seas and the lakes and the ponds which collect and retain their water, floods soon subside, and the water drains away, often into the ground. The affect is short-lived but can be disastrous. David appears to be saying something like this about his enemies and the corrupt leaders. Their reign is often temporary, they appear without warning and just as quickly disappear, but the devastation they leave behind affects many and for a long time. “Let them vanish liker water that flows away!” Let us pray this prayer against those who are controlling and abusive and who rule others with contempt and disdain, who profit from the poverty of their subjects and who are ruthless and wicked in all their ways.

When these evil men and women make their malicious pronouncements may their barbed arrows fall short of their target and cause no danger nor harm to their victims.” This reminds me that for every high-profile, godless leader there are thousands of underlings who behave in the same way, using the same tactics and who make life a misery for millions of people. They crop up in the workplace, in schools, in churches, on committees, in homes and in every area of life. Petty dictators who want everything their way and don’t care how they achieve that goal. Well, if you have to deal with this day by day, then may their arrows fall short too, and may they be exposed as the egotistical troublemakers that they are. I mean, if David can pray like this, why shouldn’t we? 


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