Psalm 58:2

Psalm 58:2

Devising injustice

The rulers being addressed here in the Psalm fell way short of the standards that God not only expects, bur orders. All human beings, as we saw yesterday, are under His command, we are His subjects. It’s no good people complaining one day and saying, “I never knew.” It’s no good their challenging the Lord God by asking why He did not get more involved. We are made in His image, we all have His stamp upon us. Our misery and waywardness come from disobedience and unbelief, it’s our choice, He will be there if we allow Him to be. There will be no excuse. The full force pf God’s judgement will come particularly on those who abused their position who, according to this verse, devised injustice. You do not need me to tell you that the world is ruled by injustice; as we have already commented, the struggle for justice is usually between the poor and the powerless against the rich and the powerful. There are very few leaders who buck the trend, most eagerly grasp hold of power for their own personal gain or to pamper their egos. 

It is a very small leap from injustice to violence. If a ruler is arrogant enough to think they know best, then any means is justified to achieve their goals. If people stand in the way of their plans, leaders have the power and the means to remove them. Violence has always been justified in the minds of those who serve themselves and who are intent at getting their own way, at any cost.

So, why does God not intervene? He does and He will. He sees it all and will judge fairly when the Day of Judgement comes. God acts even when we do not notice. Brutal dictators, abusers and those who tread over others will not always get their own way. If they think that the small amount of this world’s treasure is compensation enough for what lies ahead of them, they are very foolish indeed. Let us use any power and authority that we may have been given, to bless others and to act justly. That is the only way we will please our Ruler.


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