Psalm 58:10
Psalm 58:10
The righteous avenged
Yet another bloodthirsty verse, using language that we would normally shrink away from! Firstly, notice it is the righteous who will be avenged. It’s not clear if this includes all those who fear and put their faith in God or if it refers to those who are “not guilty” but have been wrongfully accused and abused. In other words, is it a spiritual term or a legal one? Perhaps it does not matter, our God is so big and so full of justice that will He not avenge all unrighteousness? The Scriptures certainly point to a time of judgement when the wicked must face the consequences of their actions and all wrongs will be redressed. Those who have willingly and knowingly turned against the Lord God and abused and exploited His creation, and their fellow men, are going to face an eternity full of bitter regret.
The final phrase of this verse takes us to the battlefield. Such is the destruction of enemy forces that the ground has become a sea of blood. Those men of violence who threatened and brought so much misery on the world have died a bloody and violent death. Somehow, we are asked to imagine the jubilation of the righteous who have been vindicated and freed from their enemies and, as if to prove it, they dip their feet in the blood of the fallen!
If there is any lesson to take away from this it is, once again, a vivid reminder that God hates wickedness, He hates evil despots and brutal dictators who treat those whom He created like dirt. Such men and women think they will get away with it. Psalm 58:10 tells us most emphatically, that they will not!
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