Psalm 57:8

Psalm 57:8

Awake my soul!

This verse calls on three different elements to wake up! It follows on from the previous statement that David intends to sing and make music. We can imagine him opening his eyes one morning and all is silent and dark. The first birds have not yet started to sing, and the eastern sky is not yet pink. In contrast to the days of despair and defeat David is ready for this day and he is going to celebrate. He may be living in a gloomy, dank cave but hope is at hand, God is with him and he will triumph over his enemies. Maybe some of his companions got a shock that morning as their leader launched his early morning praise assault on the kingdoms of darkness!

·      Awake my soul.

·      Awake, harp and lyre.

·      Awake – the dawn.

Sometimes we have to address the inner man and let our minds take control of our emotions and our desires. The negatives can be defeated, the whispering doubts can be silenced, the tide of fear and trepidation can be driven back. And the best way is? Music and song. Praising God works powerfully both within our souls and also upon the atmosphere around us. If we can’t play an instrument we can still sing, and if we cannot sing we can still speak out words of praise, and if we cannot speak them then we can read them and think them! God’s answer to depression and darkness is to sing out praise with all our might and why not start when it is still dark? Drive it away, send the dark spirits flying and bring in the light of God’s love, mercy, protection and care. His day of deliverance is at hand. This is the day that the Lord has made, and we will rejoice and be glad in it. Hallelujah!


  1. “launched his early morning praise assault on the kingdoms of darkness!“
    Oh yes! Hallelujah! Love this line!👍


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