Psalm 57:7
Psalm 57:7
Steadfast hearts
We have talked before about this enigmatic part of you and me that the Bible writers call the “heart.” It seems that the word describes the human spirit, that part of us that includes our emotions and thoughts and inner desires that make us what we are. Every person has a heart, the “essential me” that defines our character, our goals, our personality and our morals. That inner being is either dead to God or alive in Him.
David has programmed his mind and his intentions to trust the Lord God. He will not be controlled by outer forces or the intimidation of his enemies. He is determined to focus completely on the Lord and in so doing he finds courage, resilience and a new sense of purpose. He determines also to use praise as a weapon and to sing and make music.
This is a powerful lesson for us. Sometimes we have to call a halt to the fear and trepidation, to the “woe is me” attitudes. We have to take a stand against the parrot sitting on our shoulders that tells us constantly that we are losers, and everything is going to turn out badly! We have to have a change of heart. That requires a lot of self-will if self is all we have to lean upon. However, for those who know and love the Lord God, there is a greater hope and a greater source of encouragement and anticipation for the future. He has changed our hearts. The Holy Spirit has come to dwell within our inner temples, and we can now listen to a different voice. A voice that tells us we are special to God and loved by Him. A voice that tells us, “All things are possible.” A voice that constantly reminds our hearts that we can trust in the Lord’s care and provision and our enemies will never succeed. Such hearts are steadfast and bubbling with praise. Hallelujah!
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