Psalm 57:4

Psalm 57:4

Ravenous lions

Lions and other wild beasts were not uncommon in Israel, especially in the wild places - the hill country and the wilderness. As a young shepherd, David had grappled with a lion and a bear and had prevailed over them in order to save his flock. He is qualified therefore to see his human enemies as no more than the wild predators, they are aggressive warriors with animal instincts, possessing no morals and having no thought for the safety of their prey. David points out that their most dangerous weapons are not their javelins and their bows and arrows but their teeth and their tongues. What is in their mouths and comes out of their mouths betrays them as no better than wild animals.

I don’t know if you have suffered at the hands of human beasts or if you have hidden away from certain people because of the ferocity of their tongues? Sometimes, our spiritual journey throws us into a den of lions and a pit of vipers and it’s a frightening experience. No amount of self-justification and denial can stop their insults and their threats, life becomes very oppressive in their presence. Satan is a wizard with threats and at using people’s tongues as sharp swords, especially against God’s people. He stirs up hostility and lies and will do anything to undermine our reputations and to ruin our testimony. We can add to that the wild beasts of his demon spirits who, though unseen, war against God’s saints in the spiritual realm. There are occasions where what is happening is so evil that you can sense their presence and their leering hostility. Thank God, today, that He is bigger and greater and that He has you and me under the shelter of His wings . We should not be afraid, He is an expert at spiritual warfare and He never loses!


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