Psalm 57:11

Psalm 57:11

Be exalted, O God

The previous verse of this Psalm reminded us that the love and faithfulness of our God reach up to the skies and the heavens. In other words, these divine qualities echo around the circumference of the earth. Man could not fly when David wrote this song, (or more correctly, had not invented machines that could fly!)  Telescopes could not see beyond the confines of the heavens above. David is telling us here that love and faithfulness are attributes of God that are experienced by and directed towards mankind and to the created world. In this last verse of Psalm 57 we are invited to lift our sights even higher. “Be exalted, O God, above the heavens.

There was an awareness in ancient times that the place where God dwelt was one of glory and exaltation, these believers had received glimpses, through Abraham and Jacob and Moses and others, that beyond the skies was a celestial heaven where the glory of the Lord never faded and where angelic beings offered praise and worship. David wants it to be known that the Lord is exalted everywhere! On earth and in heaven and above the heavens.

And if the place where God is, is filled with His glory, then the greatest longing of every true believer is that this “shekinah” glory of the Lord be over all the earth. Let the light and purity and holiness of Almighty God cover the earth, pushing back and extinguishing darkness, wickedness and disobedience. Is this a prayer that we can pray today? That the glory of the Lord floods the continents, the nations, the cities and the towns and villages of our world? That every home and every workplace and every school and every church and every temple be filled with the glory of the Lord?  What a way to end our Psalm and what a hope we have, for this will surely come to pass. Hallelujah!


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