Psalm 57:10

Psalm 57:10

His love reaches to the heavens

Imagine that you have been trapped in a cave for weeks. You hardly dare go out because your face is known and the “powers that be” are intent on tracking you down and ending your life. The cave is gloomy and oppressive, no matter how hard you try it is a poor substitute for the wide-open spaces and the unfettered freedom of those who can dance and delight under the blue sky. This was not possible for David, he was writing these words while incarcerated in a prison of fear and darkness. No wonder he delighted in the joy of open spaces and the thought of reaching up to the heavens and dancing before the Lord. Yet, in the midst of his imprisonment, David knew that the Lord God was with him, that liberation would come and that he had a God who would take him out to the open spaces once more.

The love of our God and the faithfulness of God can never be confined to the prisons of our bodies or of our souls. Our God’s love and faithfulness are so vast that the earth cannot contain them, they reach up to the heavens and beyond. There is no limit on earth to the extent of His love and His merciful, never-ending care for His people. If you are in any kind of prison today, be it self-imposed or forced by illness or depression, then do not underestimate the compassion of Your Father that reaches way beyond the confines of your circumstances or your plight. If anxiety forbids you to leave your “safe place” or fear causes you to hide in terror of what might be “out there”, then lift up your eyes, look at the sky and the heavens above and know that every square inch of that space is richly abounding in your Father’s love and faithfulness. You can hide from many things but never from Him. But then, who would want to?



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