Psalm 56:8-9

Psalm 56:8-9

God's Charge Sheet

It’s probably not wise to suggest that the Lord must write things down, lest He forget them! God never forgets, but He does choose not to remember. “Remember my sins and iniquities no more.” Hebrews 8:12. So, David’s request that his tears and his memories be recorded in a scroll is not as an aid to God’s memory. It could be argued that the only reason for writing things down is to remember them! But I think a deeper reason is being suggested here. When the Lord God gave the 10 Commandments, they were written on tablets of stone and yes that was so the Israelites, and us, would never forget them. However, when God writes things it is also a statement of intent, a record that He will never renege upon. His records are an “Action list” if you like that is not an aide memoir so much as a declaration of purpose. David wants his sorrows recorded so that His enemies will never be able to refute the justice that God will, one day, bring upon them. Thus, when David calls for help and God answers, his enemies will see the charge sheet against them and have no cause for complaint when their fate is decided.  They will never be able to hold up their hands in ignorance or denial, for all is written down.

As we open our Bibles each day let us never forget that when the Lord writes something down, He will never go back on it, it stands as truth forever. It is this certainty, set against a world-wide backdrop of deceit and lies, that allows us to stand with assurance and absolute trust on the rock of God’s Word. Hallelujah!


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