Psalm 56:13

Psalm 56:13

That I may walk before God

The Psalm ends by explaining the reason for David’s celebration and for his bringing his thank offering to the Lord; he has been delivered from circumstances and saved from death. As good a reason as any, I would venture, for having a feast and a celebration. The man had been a fugitive, as we have noted throughout this Psalm. His situation had been life threatening and his future had looked bleak, but now the young man can celebrate, he is safe, the enemy threats have ended, his life can resume and, best of all, David is not about to be killed. When he talks of being delivered from feet that stumble, he is referring to the circumstances of his plight, not to some sinful stumble. And what is David’s greatest anticipation now that the trouble has passed? You have delivered me that, “I may walk before God in the light of life.”

Light and life are constant companions in the Scriptures. In Genesis 1, they are closely linked at the creation of the world. In John 1 we read of the Word, which is Christ, that “in Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.” We need to understand that the world is Satan’s domain, he rules not as a fearful demon from a horror movie, but by lies and deception. In fact, the demonic figures in the movies are all part of that deception. Satan rules by twisting truth and by suggestion, he is the voice of reason that questions everything and plants doubts about all that God is, all that He does and all that He says. He has worked that way from the Garden of Eden to the present time. Everything in the world is tainted by deceit and thus people live in darkness. There is only one truth and one true way, the way of life through Christ Jesus. Such is the intensity of that truth that it beams like a lighthouse into the darkness, showing mankind the way. Most reject it for they would prefer the ways of the world. Very few turn away and take the narrow difficult path that going against the crowd demands. But, if we want to “Walk before God in the light of life”, then we must choose to turn way from the darkness, however difficult that may be. When we do so we begin to taste true joy and true deliverance and a freedom that cannot be experienced any other way. That is a cause for a celebration feast is it not? Hallelujah!



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