Psalm 56:10-11

Psalm 56:10-11

In God I trust

Let me remind you that this Psalm was written by David at a time of great fear in his life. So fearful was he, that he had taken his chances with the Philistines rather than hang around in Israel, where Saul would almost certainly uncover his hiding place and then kill him, along with his loyal supporters. But the Psalm is headed, “Fear versus Trust,” and this verse perfectly sums up the state of mind of the writer. During these times of intense fear and anguish he cried out, “In God I trust and am not afraid.”

This is another chapter in God’s Counselling Manual. He is telling is that when circumstances and problems completely overwhelm us, when fear and anxiety cause us to shake with terror, when every emotion in our souls and every thought in our heads is driven by dread, then is the time to speak out. To learn and repeat these very verses if you like. Memorise them and then speak them out into the atmosphere. Speak them out when every cell in your body tells you that they cannot be true. Sing them out when the whole world is crashing down around you. This is far more than the power of positive thinking; it is a declaration of helplessness that opens the doors of heaven and touches the heart of God. 

But the words are also truth! Most of our fears and worries are grounded in lies. They have as their foundation, an expectation of doom and despair that may never come to pass. David’s situation, when he wrote this, was pretty horrendous but the truth was, Saul had NOT found him, his enemies had NOT overcome him, his life had NOT been taken from him. He and his friends were alive and safe even though they were gravely threatened. So, the heart cry here is TRUE and when you and I speak such words, they are TRUE. Truth will always prevail against lies, so speak out the truth!


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