Psalm 56:5-6

Psalm 56:5-6

All day long they twist my words

I have worked in many places in my life, mostly offices, and mostly with a mixed crowd of individuals. There was one era where every day was dominated by gossip. The discipline by the managers was slack and there were a couple of ladies who did nothing but pass on tittle tattle. The place was a breeding ground of insinuations, rumours and scandalous hearsay. Eventually this affected everyone, most wanted to engage in the fabricated stories and the embellished chatter and those who didn’t were often the subjects of the scheming that went on. The result was an office dire with mistrust, broken relationships and a real sense of wariness affecting the whole workforce. I tried to ride above it, but I knew I was the subject of some of what was being said, it was so hard to ignore it all. 

David suffered in a similar way, he knew that there were evil people around him who took his every action and his every word and twisted them for their own purposes. What was even more scary for him was that these enemies wanted him dead. So, as they spread their gossip, they were also plotting his demise.

The Lord Jesus had an even worse problem! Every word He spoke was twisted and questioned. His accusers faced Him publicly and remonstrated with Him in front of the crowds. When He spoke truth, they turned it into lies. He too was under a death threat and in the end, they used false witnesses to convince the Romans that He was an imposter.

Your life may not be threatened but do not be surprised if your faith causes you grief. The enemy hates you and he hates me and he will use any means to undermine our faith and to tarnish our testimony. He is the father of lies so expect to be part of one of his propaganda campaigns. 


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