Psalm 55:7-8

Psalm 55:7-8

Let's run away

These two verses continue the theme of having “wings like a dove.” Do you have a fantasy place to flee to when the going gets tough? Some imaginative children spend a lot of time in such places, I suspect there are adults who do the same thing but prefer to keep quiet about it! Strangely, the previous Psalm had David fleeing as a fugitive, in barren places, from King Saul. Now his mind wanders back to his time in the desert and it has a kind of comforting lure, it suddenly seems more friendly and less inhospitable than the palace in Jerusalem! 

Is there a real place that we can flee to when the storms of life rage around us? Is there a shelter where we feel safe and secure? Is this just a fantasy? In truth if we run away from our problems we only take them with us. Yet, within us all, is a strong yearning to be protected and sheltered and far away from the really difficult people and problems that life puts before us. I know it sounds “super spiritual” or maybe patronising to say this, but Jesus really can be our shelter in the storm, our guardian and our comforter. When we rush to Him and lean on Him, when we share intimately with Him, then we find that there is someone bigger and stronger and wiser who is able to face the oncoming flood with us. He really is a good shepherd. He really is our rock fortress. He really is an anchor in the storm. David already knew this, I’m sure. That’s why He is talking so honestly to the Lord, he is effectively flying to Him, like a dove!


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