Psalm 55:2-3

Psalm 55:2-3

Because of my enemy

Here we have the complaint of David powerfully expressed. Some might call him a whinger and a weakling, “Get on with it man. Get out there and sort the problem out. If you have a conspiratorial adversary, face up to him. Have him dealt with; you’ve got contacts. Nip it in the bud. You are the King after all.” But David has learned not to act impulsively and not to take the law into his own hands. While he seems in control, in front of his contemporaries, once in the privacy of his own quarters he comes before the Lord and he “tells it like it is.” I love this. Why did I not do it before? Instead of putting myself through days of misery and anxiety I should have just told the Lord about it! Warts and all. Listen to David. 

“Lord my thoughts are causing me great trouble, they’re racing all over the place. I can’t stop thinking about what is going on right now. Have you heard what my enemy is saying about me? Lies and falsehoods and gossip and slander. He has plans to unseat me and to take over the kingdom. He is plotting my downfall and the wicked are in it with him. Their threats are scaring me Lord. They are not joking; they are really angry men because they have believed all that my enemy has made up about me. He’s been at it for a long time now and he has been so subtle. Now, his lies are taken to be truth even though they have no foundation. Everyone believes him, they can hardly bring themselves to be civil when they speak to me. I can see the anger in their eyes and hear it in the voices. I think some of them would strike me down they are so angry. This cannot go on Lord; I am in grave danger and I have no one to turn to but you. I am beside myself with worry right now and I really fear for my life.” 

Have you ever felt that someone close to you is actually your greatest enemy and their abusive behaviour is at the heart of all your fears? If so, tell the Lord about it – and don’t hold back!


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