Psalm 55:19
Psalm 55:19
God does not change
t’s a great day when we learn that we do not have to fight any more. When we decide to hand over the reins of our lives completely. When we realise that someone greater and wiser has control of the situation and He will bear our suffering and provide retribution where it is needed. Just as God is from old and He is the eternal God who never changes, so there are men and women who will never change. They will always revile Him, disobey Him, seek to undermine His purposes and look out only for themselves. The wicked are heard by God, just as the righteous are heard by Him. He knows their plans and their scheming. He knows their intentions. No man or woman ever acts in isolation or secret, their hearts are revealed to Him who created them and their evil ways are monitored and recorded. They may think that by denying Him or having no fear of Him, that they can carry out their schemes without accountability, but they will all have a shock one day!
For the righteous, the day we wake up to the fact that the Lord is God and is in control, is a red -letter day indeed. From that moment a change starts to take place. Oh yes, it will take a lifetime, but if we are serious, if we truly believe that our God hears and that He is intimately involved in our lives and eager to act for us, then anything is possible. He is the God of old, who does not change. We are the ones who need to change! Let us set our hearts to hear Him through His Word, to obey Him whatever the cost and to submit to His divine Will. The more we take our hands off, the more we allow Him to put His hands on. Hallelujah!
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