Psalm 55:18

Psalm 55:18

He rescues me

What a triumphant statement this is! As is so often the case in David’s Psalms, he lays out his dilemma to the Lord, he pours out the anguish that is in his soul, he appropriates blame where he thinks others have failed him, he identifies his enemies and, let’s be honest, reveals his own weaknesses which sometimes includes self-pity! Having done all of that, David begins to feel better, it really is a case of, “a problem shared a problem halved.” Except that David has more than halved his problem, he has handed it over completely to the Lord his God and he is feeling a lot more than half better! The Lord has, “Rescued me unharmed from the battle waged against me, even though many oppose me.” He is free, the problem has been passed over to One who is greater and wiser and more powerful. David feels vindicated, he knows that everything will work out for the good. He knows that he is safe, and he knows that he will not be harmed. 

We do so well to learn from this. Yes, we can bring all of our troubles to the Lord. Yes we can express the fear, frustration and anger that wells up in our souls. Yes we can tell God where we think others have failed us or caused our pain. Yes we can face our own shortcomings and even admit to self-pity. God is our Counsellor. The Holy Spirit is our Comforter. We will be delivered. We can get up from our knees believing that we will be rescued from our troubles and that we will do so unharmed. Once again the Counselling Manual of the Lord comes up trumps and shows us how to react when we feel bitterly let down and isolated. David’s cry is a cry of faith. He knows that deliverance has not happened just yet, but he also knows that it will. Hallelujah!


  1. Thank you for the blessings of His Word as opened to you. Much appreciated. שלם


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