Psalm 55:12-14

Psalm 55:12-14

A man like myself

Here is the heart of David’s lament. He had endured years of taunts from his enemies. He had been subjected to abuse and been reviled by those who opposed him within the kingdom, and he had listened to the mocking and jeering of foreign adversaries from the time of Goliath. None of this was new. All of it was to be expected, and it was therefore bearable. But the one who led the present revolt against David was no stranger nor foreigner nor outsider with a grudge. The enemy he now faced had been a close companion. He was a member of the royal family, “one like myself”. He was a close friend and confidante. It was Absalom! 

Father and son had often visited the House of God, the Tabernacle, they had walked amongst the worshippers, greeting them and sharing their joy and excitement on the great Feast Days. Their friendship and family bond had been visible to all and a further cause for celebration among the many pilgrims who travelled for days to be in the Holy City. They would have returned to their homes with accounts of the festivities and yes, they had seen the King and his son walking amongst the crowds.  These had been high days, great days, warm with memories and a real sense of closeness between a Sovereign and his people. 

Now, David had to face the fact that it had all been fake. As amiable Absalom smiled and greeted the visitors he had also been plotting his father’s downfall. The smiles and the handshakes were phony, behind the scenes and completely unknown to David, Absalom had been garnering support for his coup. No wonder David was heart-broken, beside himself with grief. This made him look a fool and even worse it had been done by his much-loved son – the one who might, one day, have been his natural successor.

If you have suffered such treachery. If a close friend or even family member has treated you in this way, then thank God that you can turn to Him and that even if you may never completely trust another human being ever again, you can trust Him! 


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