Psalm 55:10-11

Psalm 55:10-11

The rule of evil

These verses continue the theme of verse 9 as David views the great City of Jerusalem, his home, his pride and joy, the place that he had made a bastion of Israel, and the location where he believed the glory of the Lord to dwell. His lament therefore, in this Psalm, is not just for himself and the crown, it is for the city and its inhabitants. David knows that violence and strife characterise the current regime, that brutal means have been employed by Absalom to carry out his coup.  The watchman that prowl the walls at night are not guarding the people, but instead are spreading malice and abuse. Out in the streets, threats and lies are being used to enhance Absalom’s status and to undermine all that David stood for. Jerusalem is, without doubt, a seething cauldron of evil disquiet and anything but a place of peace. And this truly hurts its rightful King. 

Any regime or political group that uses violence and strife to achieve its ends is evil. All those who speak with forked tongues and spread malevolent gossip are evil. Those who gain power and influence with malice, and abuse of their opponents are evil. If threats and lies are used to promote a cause, then that too is evil. Do not follow in the wake of anyone who follows such strategies. Listen carefully to what politicians and others say and have nothing to do with them if such tactics are employed. The same principles apply in the workplace, in the family, amongst social groupings and causes. Our role as Christians is to stand up for truth, to promote peace and to speak gently and kindly, even of our enemies. We would do well to learn from Jesus who never commented on the political, philosophical and cultural influences of the day, instead He talked almost entirely of the Kingdom of heaven. It was as if He was not part of this world!! 


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