Psalm 54:7
Psalm 54:7
You delivered me!
Psalm 54 has opened our eyes to the fact that this collection of ancient songs is effectively God’s Counselling Manual. In the Psalms we discover every type of human anxiety and woe, every emotion is expressed, and the songs plunge us into deepest despair at the door of death, and then we are raised up to the highest place atop the mountain of God. We are therefore allowed to share in the morbid sufferings of the darkest places visited by human beings, and then we are transported to the heavenly dwelling of God and our spirits are encouraged to soar as high as it is possible to go in this world. Like so many others, this Psalm begins with David in a bad place, besieged and fearful for his life as he pleads for divine intervention. And, like so many others, it ends on a note of hope and praise. “You have delivered me from all my troubles, and my eyes have looked in triumph on my foes.”
May I encourage you to come honestly before the Lord and lay out your troubles, your fears and anxieties, your problems and your darkest thoughts. Tell Him what is going on. Tell Him what you think may happen. Tell Him what you would never dare express to another person. Tell Him your imagined fears as well as the actual concerns. Lay it all before Him; you even have licence to suggest that He is taking His time to reply! You see, nearly 40 years ago I learned to do this, at a time when I was in a very dark place and no one could help. At the time I did not realise what God was doing in me but little by little He used the Psalms to deliver me and bring out of darkness into His sunshine. Now, I believe that He can do this for anyone who is in a dark place in their experience. Christian counselling is nothing if it does not bring suffering people to the Psalms of God and shows them the pages of His Counselling Manual.
Thank You Lord, that You understand the deepest woes of our human hearts. You see and know all that we experience, and You are able to empathise and to reach down and place Your holy hand upon us. How amazing it is to learn that You have written these songs to help us in our times of desperate need. Thank You for every facet of human experience that is revealed and that on every occasion you lift the sufferer out of gloom and despair and restore them to a place of joy and praise. Help us to be honest in our laments before You and to take the counsel that You give. Lift us up to the Holy Mountain once again that we may sing Your praise and enjoy sweet fellowship with those who know You and love You. Hallelujah.
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