Psalm 54:4

Psalm 54:4

The Lord is the one who sustains me

Some of these beautiful Psalms open doors into the very depths of the human soul. David is never one to hang back, he tells it like it is. He allows us to share in his travails and to taste the despair, the anxiety, the terror and the loneliness of his plight. The resulting laments are both depressing and sorrowful for here, in the central library of the Bible, are heart cries and woes that we would usually prefer to be without. Even when others suffer and foist their troubles on to us, it is a relief to walk away and resume normality. In fact, we go further and tell ourselves that such people are self-obsessed and “need to get a grip!” 

What we are reading here is the most honest accounts of the darkest walk that men and women can take and how, as believers in the Lord God, we may speak to Him and lay bare our sorrows. This is God’s answer to psychobabble, in these Psalms we find a way through the wilderness and discover that there is a Father who walks with us and will bring us through the valley of the shadow of death. The Psalms are God’s Counselling Manual. Why did I not see it before, especially when He used them to deliver me from the darkest of depressive places? The heart cry of this verse is, when all is dark, when enemies are gaining on us, when we are little more than fugitives in our own skins, “Surely God is our help; the Lord is the one who sustains us.”This confession of confidence changes everything, it means we will prevail, we will recover, and we will be protected and guarded however bad things might be. He is our hope. If He is with us, who can be against us? This is the faith that can keep us out of the Counselling Rooms and the Psychiatric Wards and sustains us when no one else can. This is the God who understands and who hears from heaven and will not let us suffer beyond that which we are able to bear. 1 Corinthians 10:13.


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